Tag Archives: Where the Wild Things Are

Spike Jonze

So I am sure most people can say they have heard of Spike Jonze, but not everyone knows the wide variety of creative works Jonze has taken part in.  He has created anywhere from commercials to skate videos, but he is also the co-founder of Dirt Magazine.  Jonze’s work in skate videos is well known, and he has worked with professional skateboarding companies such as Girl, Blind, and many others.  Skating videography normally isn’t anything that can be examined too closely, because they are just supposed to document the tricks, but Jonze finds a way to artistically make each skate video his own.

Jonze not only shoots skate videos, but he is also an avid skate photographer.  His photography skills have definitely played a major role in his video work, which allows it to stand out even more.Image

Music videos are yet another avenue that Jonze traveled down.  He has done many music videos for various artists, but my favorite is the popular music video for the Beastie Boys song “Sabotage”.

As for his feature film career, Jonze has many movies under his belt.  He is most noted for his work in Being John Malkovich, but his work that stands out the most with a sense of style and artistic freedom is Where the Wild Things Are.  Creating a movie based off a children’s book is quite the challenge, but Jonze took his own approach with the film and successfully left his mark in this story.  While this story may appeal to the younger audience, any age can truly be amazed by the stylistic camera use and composition throughout the film.

Also Worked On:

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